Two-dimensional problems
In this document, we detail some aspects of the $2$-dimensional semi-Lagrangian method and give some examples to validate the implementation.
General context
We consider $2D$ transport equation of the form
\[\tag{1} \partial_t f + u_x \partial_x f + u_y \partial_y f = 0, f(t=0, x, y)= f_0(x, y), x, y\in \Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^2,\]
where the advection field $(u_x, u_y)(t, x, y)$ satisfies the incompressibility condition $\partial_x u_x + \partial_y u_y=0$ which implies (1) can be reformulated as
\[\partial_t f + \partial_x( u_x f )+ \partial_y(u_y f) = 0, f(t=0, x, y)= f_0(x, y),\]
from which we deduce the mass conservation $\int\!\!\int f(t, x, y) dxdy = \int\!\!\int f_0(x, y) dxdy$. To solve numerically (1), we will use a $2D$ semi-Lagrangian method which is based on the fact that the solution $f$ is constant along the characteristics $X(t)=(x(t), y(t))$ defined by
\[\dot{X}(t) = U(t, X(t)), \;\; X(s) = X_g,\]
with $U(t, X):=U(t, x, y)=(u_x(t, x, y), u_y(t, x, y))$, $s$ is a time and $X_g$ is a prescribed condition (which will be a grid point). Hence, we can write $f(s, X(s))=f(t, X(t))$ for all $t, s$. Considering a discretization of the time $t^n=n\Delta t$ with $n\in \mathbb{N}$ and $\Delta t>0$ the time step, we rewrite the latter equality with $s=t^{n+1}$ and $t=t^n$ to get
\[f(t^{n+1}, X_g) = f(t^n, X(t^n)).\]
We want to compute the left hand side which corresponds to the numerical solution at time $t^{n+1}$ and at the grid point $X_g$. To do so, we assume (by induction) that the solution is known at time $t^n$ and at the grid points $X_g$, thus, we have to interpolate (in $2D$) to compute $f(t^n, X(t^n))$. The semi-Lagrangian methods can be split into two steps
compute $X(t^n)$
compute $f(t^n, X(t^n))$: from the known values $f(t^n, X_g)$, interpolate at $X(t^n)$.
These two steps are details in the next section.
Details on the $2D$ semi-Lagrangian method
The two steps of the semi-Lagrangian are detailed and some examples are given.
ODE solver
First, we need to compute $X(t^n)$ which the solution at time $t^n$ of
\[\tag{2} \dot{X}(t) = U(t, X(t)), \;\; X(t^{n+1}) = X_g.\]
When $U$ is simple enough, $X(t^n)$ can be computed analytically but in general, we need a solver of this differential equation. The main difficulty comes from the fact that (2) has to be solved backward in time and when the time dependency of $U$ is nonlinearly coupled to the solution $f$ itself (see Examples 3 and 4 below), we do not know $U(t, \dot)$ for $t>t^n$ (and time extrapolation has to be used [filbet]).
First order
A simple scheme to compute $X(t^n)$ is the Euler scheme applied to (2)
\[\frac{X(t^{n+1}) - X(t^n)}{\Delta t} = U(t^n, X(t^{n+1})),\]
and using the condition $X(t^{n+1}) = X_g$, we get the following first order approximation for $X(t^n)$
\[X(t^n) = X_g - \Delta t U(t^n, X_g).\]
Second order
A mid-point scheme (which is second order accurate) can be used to solve (2):
\[\frac{X(t^{n+1}) - X(t^n)}{\Delta t} = U\Big(t^{n+1/2}, \frac{X(t^{n+1}) + X(t^n)}{2}\Big),\]
which gives an implicit expression for $X(t^n)$
\[\begin{equation} \label{ode_2nd_imp} X(t^n) = X(t^{n+1}) -\Delta t \, U\Big(t^{n+1/2}, \frac{X(t^{n+1}) + X(t^n)}{2}\Big). \end{equation}\]
As mentioned above, we first need to extrapolate $U(t^{n+1/2}, \cdot)$. To do so, we use $U(t^{n-1}, \cdot)$ and $U(t^{n}, \cdot)$ and we construct a first order Lagrange polynomial ${\cal L}(t), t\in[t^{n-1}, t^n]$
\[{\cal L}(t) = U(t^n, \cdot) \frac{t^{n-1}-t}{\Delta t} + U(t^{n-1}, \cdot) \frac{t - t^{n}}{\Delta t}.\]
We then approximate $U(t^{n+1/2}, \cdot)$ by ${\cal L}(t^{n+1/2})$. We then have to solve \eqref{ode2ndimp} using a fixed point
\[X^{n, k+1} = X_g -\Delta t \, {\cal L}\Big(t^{n+1/2}, \frac{X_g + X^{n,k}}{2}\Big), \;\; \mbox{ for } k\geq 0, X^{n, 0}=X_g,\]
up to convergence.
Extension to higher order
We can look at the schemes proposed in [filbet] but we can also use the package DifferentialEquations.jl
$2D$ Interpolation
Once $X(t^n)$ has been computed using the techniques detailed before, one has to compute $f(t^n, X(t^n))$. Since the grid values $f(t^n, X_g)$ are known, we can reconstruct a piecewise $2D$ polynomial function ${\cal P}(x, y), x, y\in \Omega$ using Lagrange or splines such that $f(t^n, X_g) = {\cal P}(X_g)$, and then we approximate $f(t^n, X(t^n)) \approx {\cal P}(X(t^n)).$ We consider a cartesian grid of $N_x\times N_y$ points $x_i = (i-1)\Delta x$ and $y_j =(j-1)\Delta y$ for $i=1, \dots, N_x$ and $j=1, \dots, N_y$. We assume periodicity in $x$ and $y$ which means $f(x_{N_x+1}, y) = f(x_1, y)$ and $f(x, y_{N_y+1}) = f(x, y_1)$.
Lagrange interpolation
A tensor product can be done. If we denote $L_{x,i}$ and $L_{y,j}$ the Lagrange polynomial of degree $2d+1$ in the $x$ and $y$ direction $L_{x,i}(x) = \Pi_{k=i-d, k\neq i}^{i+d} \frac{(x-x_k)}{(x_i-x_k)}$ and $L_{y,j}(x) = \Pi_{k=j-d, k\neq j}^{j+d} \frac{(y-y_k)}{(y_j-y_k)}$. Then, we have
\[f(x,y) \approx {\cal P}(x,y) =\sum_{i=1}^{N_x} \sum_{j=1}^{N_y} f(x_i,y_j) L_{x,i}(x)L_{y,j}(y).\]
Splines interpolation
For cubic splines, one can use
which I try to explain below.
We introduce the tridiagonal matrix $A\in {\cal M}_{Nx+1, N_x+1}$ with $4$ on the diagonal and $1$ on the two extradiagonals. We consider $f(x_i, y_j)$ for $i=1, \dots, N_x$ and $j=1, \dots, N_y$ and we denote $F\in {\cal M}_{N_x+1, N_y}$ the matrix such that $F_{i,j} = f(x_i,y_j)$ for $i=1, \dots, N_x$ and $j=1, \dots, N_y$ and $F_{N_x+1, j}= f(x_1, y_j)$ for periodicity. We compute the splines coefficients as
solve $A \eta_j = 6 f(:,y_j), \;\; \forall j=1, \dots, N_y$ with $\eta_j\in \mathbb{R}^{N_x+1}$
gestion du bord (Pierre ?) pour obtenir $\eta(1:Nx+3, 1:N_y+1)$
solve $A \,{\tt coef}_i \, = 6 \eta(i,:), \;\; \forall i=1, \cdots, N_x+3 $ with ${\tt coef}_i\in \mathbb{R}^{N_y+1}$
gestion du bord (Pierre ?) pour obtenir coef$(1:Nx+3, 1:N_y+3)$
\[f(x,y) \approx {\cal S}(x,y) = \sum_i\sum_j {\tt coef}_{i,j} B_i(x) B_j(y)\]
Some examples
In this part, some examples of increasing difficulty are proposed to validate our algorithms.
Example 1 : rotation
\[\partial_t f + y \partial_x f - x \partial_y f = 0, f(t=0, x, y)= f_0(x, y).\]
We already discussed this test and we have to check it again. In this case, the characteristics can be solved exactly in time since $X(t^n) = e^{-J \Delta t}X_g$ with $J$ the symplectic matrix. This test will enable us to validate the $2D$ interpolation step. Here
\[J=\Big( \begin{matrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{matrix} \Big) \mbox{ and } e^{-J \Delta t}=\Big( \begin{matrix} \cos \Delta t & -\sin\Delta t \\ \sin\Delta t & \cos\Delta t \end{matrix} \Big).\]
Example 2 : swirling deformation flow
\[\begin{aligned} \partial_t f + \Big( \sin^2(\pi x) \sin(2\pi y) g(t)\Big) \partial_x f - \Big(\sin^2(\pi y)\sin(2\pi x) g(t) \Big) \partial_y f = 0, \\ f(t=0, x, y)= f_0(x, y) \end{aligned}\]
with $g(t)=\cos(\pi t/T)$. The solution slows down and reverses direction in such a way that the initial condition should be recovered at time $T$: $f(T, x, y)=f_0(x,y)$. This gives a very useful test to validate our methods since we know the exact solution at time $T$. For the initial condition, we consider
\[\begin{equation} f_0(x, y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} 1, & \mbox{ if } (x-1)^2+(y-1)^2 <0.8\\ 0, & \mbox{ otherwise}. \end{array} \right. \end{equation}\]
We can choose $T=1.5$ and the spatial domain is $[0, 1]^2$. Some results are given in [leveque] or [qiu].
Example 3: Vlasov-Poisson
\[\partial_t f + y \partial_x f +E \partial_y f = 0, f(t=0, x, y)= f_0(x, y), x\in [0, 4\pi], y\in \mathbb{R},\]
where the electric field $E$ derives from a potential $\phi(t, x)\in\mathbb{R}$ which satisfies a Poisson equation
\[\partial_x^2 \phi = \int_{\mathbb{R}} f dy - 1.\]
The initial condition is
\[f_0(x, y)= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\pi}e^{-y^2/2}(1 + 0.001\cos(x/2)).\]
For this problem, we define the electric energy ${\cal E}_e = \int E^2dx$ and the kinetic energy ${\cal E}_k := \int\!\int y^2 f dx dy$ so that the total energy ${\cal E}_e+{\cal E}_k$ is preserved with time. We can also consider the time evolution of ${\cal E}_e$ for which we know the behavior.
Example 4: Guiding-center
\[\partial_t f + E_x \partial_x f +E_y \partial_y f = 0, f(t=0, x, y)= f_0(x, y)\]
where the electric field $E=(E_x, E_y)(t, x, y)$ derives from a potential $\phi(t, x, y)\in\mathbb{R}$ which satisfies a Poisson equation
\[\Delta \phi = f.\]
The spatial domain is $[0, 4\pi]\times [0, 2\pi]$ and the initial condition is
\[f_0(x, y)= \sin(y) + 0.015\cos(x/2).\]
For this problem, the electric energy ${\cal E}_e :=\int\!\int (E_x^2+E_y^2)dxdy$ and the enstrophy ${\cal E}_f:=\int\!\int f^2 dx dy$ are preserved with time. Some results are given in [qiu] or [crouseilles].
- filbetF. Filbet, C. Prouveur, High order time discretization for backward semi-Lagrangian methods, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol 303, (2016) pp. 171-188.
- levequeR. LeVeque, High-resolution conservative algorithms for advection in incompressible flow, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, (1996), pp. 627-665.
- qiuJ. Qiu, C.-W. Shu, Conservative high order semi-Lagrangian finite difference WENO methods for advection in incompressible flow, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 230, Issue 4, 20 (2011), pp. 863-889.
- crouseillesN. Crouseilles, M. Mehrenberger, E. Sonnendrücker Conservative semi-Lagrangian methods for the Vlasov equations, J. Comput. Phys., 229, pp 1927-1953, (2010).